A- Treat the other ADULTS in the household with respect. Don’t get rid of their stuff without their consent.
B- Reducing BOOKS can be especially difficult for bookworms (like me), so consider whether you would use the book again and remember, libraries are free. They even store all the books for you (ebooks are another great alternative).
C- CHILDREN don’t need more and more stuff. Time and experiences with family are more valuable.
D- When eliminating stuff, don’t forget to clean up the DIGITAL clutter.
E- Minimalism is not about living with the least number of objects. It’s about discovering what is ESSENTIAL for us to lead meaningful lives.
F- We should periodically take a fresh look at the people around us and ask ourselves if they are truly FRIENDS that appreciate us or are just hanging around to push their own agendas.
G- GIFTS don’t have to add to the clutter—give consumables or experiences, not things.
H- Forming HABITS is important for keeping clutter out of the home and creating the lives we want, from a simple question before purchasing an item to developing rituals for our days.
I- Don’t wrap up your IDENTITY in possessions. One doesn’t equal the other.
J- Not everything we own needs to spark JOY, but if not, it should at least serve a purpose.
K- A typical KITCHEN has lots of gadgets that we rarely, if ever. Pack them up and unpack only what you need for a month or so. Anything you don’t use can most likely go.
L- It takes a long time to collect stuff, so be patient and declutter in LAYERS.
M- It may be fun to collect MEMENTOS, but we don’t have to keep them forever. Better yet, take photos for the memories instead of adding to the dust collection at home.
N- Minimalism isn’t about the NUMBER of items we own but how meaningful and useful those items are in our lives.
O- Keep an OPEN mind about change; if in doubt, experiment for a month and then re-evaluate.
P- Finding our PASSION is not limited to how we earn money. We can find it in any area of our lives.
Q- Go for QUALITY over quantity whenever possible.
R- There is no one way to lean into a minimalist life. Lots of RESOURCES exist for you to find what works for you.
S- Take a regular SABBATH break (religious or secular) to rest, reflect, and refresh.
T- TELEVISION in itself is not evil, but consider carefully how best to use the abundance of choices in entertainment we have today.
U- UNSUBSCRIBE from unnecessary emails, magazines, or services that clutter up your life.
V- Taking a VACATION, even if short and nearby, can give us a fresh perspective about what is necessary and meaningful in our lives.
W- Most of us have more than enough in our WARDROBE. Consider creating a capsule wardrobe or a uniform dress code that works for your life.
X- Pretend that everyone has X-RAY vision and can see behind doors and drawers hiding the clutter.
Y- Know when to YIELD a little. Don’t let decluttering or leaning into minimalism create conflict in your relationships.
Z- Direct ZEAL for minimalism into living as a role model for others; lead by example, not by force.
See my Resource page for my ongoing list of books, blogs, podcasts, and films: Resources
Not sure how to get started? I’ve compiled several ideas (my ideas and some from other minimalists): Getting Started
Read more on topics that interest you: Table of Contents
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Having actual, physical, in-the-hand books and the importance of security, comfort and knowledge they bring are on so many levels in my life. It doesn’t help that I just closed a used and rare book store, full of hand picked gems, that I considered part of my own spreading library to start with. Warning Overload! Falling Debris Ahead!
Now, I feel the draw of your minimalist ideas. I see peace at being able to really enjoy fewer things, in a less cluttered, less chaotic world. Nice.
OK, but how do you do it! I can’t imagine how to even start the thinning process. So, I will read more of you writings and blogs, hoping by osmosis, I can also find this peace. Thank,you…Laura
Fabulous list! I need to keep this handy, I think. 😄
Thanks! It’s good for a refresher every now and then!